Z-PDF.com Lovers
2 months ago
#PDFDownload Lakes Hockey #4 Stand and Defend by Sloane St. James

I live my life head over heart and never rock the boat. Which is how I wound up engaged to Bryan Davenport—the biggest mistake I ever made. We were a power couple, but no one knew how cruel he could be behind closed doors. When I decide to leave, my fiancé shows just how ruthless he can be and sends me running to the last person I expected: his best man.
Bold Press
3 months ago
Space: NASA has announced that it has discovered a new planet that could potentially support life. The planet, which is located 40 light-years from Earth, is in the habitable zone of its star, which means that it has the right temperature for liquid water to exist on its surface.

#Space #NASA
Bold Press
3 months ago
India: India has successfully tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile, the Agni-V. The missile has a range of over 5,000 kilometers, which puts it within reach of targets in China and Pakistan.

#India #Pakistan #China
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload For the Glory: Eric Liddell's Journey from Olympic Champion to Modern Martyr by Duncan Hamilton

The untold and inspiring story of Eric Liddell, hero of Chariots of Fire , from his Olympic medal to his missionary work in China to his last, brave years in a Japanese work camp during WWII
Many people will remember Eric Liddell as the Olympic gold medalist from the Academy Award winning film Chariots of Fire . Famously, Liddell would not run on Sunday because of his strict observance of the Christian sabbath, and so he did not compete in his signature event, the 100 meters, at the 1924 Paris Olympics. He was the greatest sprinter in the world at the time, and his choice not to run was ridiculed by the British Olympic committee, his fellow athletes, and most of the world press. Yet Liddell triumphed in a new event, winning the 400 meters in Paris.
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi by William Dalrymple

Sparkling with irrepressible wit, City of Djinns peels back the layers of Delhi's centuries-old history, revealing an extraordinary array of characters along the way—from eunuchs to descendants of great Moguls. With refreshingly open-minded curiosity, William Dalrymple explores the seven "dead" cities of Delhi as well as the eighth city—today's Delhi. Underlying his quest is the legend of the djinns, fire-formed spirits that are said to assure the city's Phoenix-like regeneration no matter how many times it is destroyed. Entertaining, fascinating, and informative, City of Djinns is an irresistible blend of research and adventure. #WilliamDalrymple
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload Boys of Tommen #4 Redeeming 6 by Chloe Walsh

I’m saving you, six.
With his world unraveling around him, and pressure rising at home, Joey Lynch’s life has never been in more turmoil. Desperate to prove himself worthy of the only person he’s ever put his trust in, Joey fights to stay away from a world that threatens to destroy everything. But with the odds stacking against him by the day, can he keep his head above water?
Unwilling to give up on the boy she loves, Aoife Molloy fights to save her best friend from the edge of self-destruction. Drowning in a world she doesn’t understand, with only her heart to guide her, Aoife refuses to turn her back on Joey, no matter how badly the odds are stacked against them.
Through heartbreak and horror, Aoife and Joey have had each others backs, and this time is no different.
Come what may.
Irrevocable life changing circumstances, unexpected additions, new schools, and healing hearts all come together in Redeeming 6, the explosive finale for Ballylaggin’s hotheaded lovers.
This is your comeback, kid.
Based in Ireland, the Boys of Tommen series is bound to captivate and lure you into the world of rugby, hurling, love, and teenage heartbreak.
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy #8 Sorrow and Starlight by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

All stars must fall.
Bloody, lost, broken. We live to fight another day. But with so much stolen from us, can the fates ever twist in our favour again?
My sister and I have been torn apart by shadows and despair, and now we each stand alone.
Our sorrow is spun like a web, trapping us tight, and I fear our enemies will soon come to feast upon our souls.
But if I have my way, the merciless sky will have dealt us its final fortune. It’s time for us to take back the power that’s been ripped from our grasp and turn the tide of this war.
All stars must fall, and all Phoenixes must rise.
Long live the Savage Queens.
*This will now be book 8 of 9 in the series*
#CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy #4 Shadow Princess by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

After the events of the Lunar Eclipse, Tory and Darcy must learn to deal with the darkness which shadows their lives.
With a secret binding them to Darius and Orion, they must find a way to all work together for the greater good. But some things are easier said than done... #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
7 months ago
#PDFDownload The Tolstoy Estate by Steven Conte

In the first year of the doomed German invasion of Russia in WWII, a German military doctor, Paul Bauer, is assigned to establish a field hospital at Yasnaya Polyana - the former grand estate of Count Leo Tolstoy, the author of the classic War and Peace. There he encounters a hostile aristocratic Russian woman, Katerina Trubetzkaya, a writer who has been left in charge of the estate. But even as a tentative friendship develops between them, Bauer's hostile and arrogant commanding officer, Julius Metz, becomes erratic and unhinged as the war turns against the Germans. Over the course of six weeks, in the terrible winter of 1941, everything starts to unravel...
From the critically acclaimed and award-winning author, Steven Conte, The Tolstoy Estate is ambitious, accomplished and astonishingly good: an engrossing, intense and compelling exploration of the horror and brutality of conflict, and the moral, emotional, physical and intellectual limits that people reach in war time. It is also a poignant, bittersweet love story - and, most movingly, a novel that explores the notion that literature can still be a potent force for good in our world. #StevenConte
Z-PDF.com Lovers
7 months ago
#PDFDownload Language and the Pursuit of Happiness: A New Foundation for Designing Your Life, Your Relationships & Your Results by Chalmers Brothers

This compelling new book shares a way of understanding your language and your conversations (including those you have with yourself!) that has proven to be a powerful, practical basis for real change and lasting improvements - at home, at work and everywhere in between. Here is the promise of this new book by personal coach and seminar leader Chalmers We speak ourselves into the world, whether we're aware of what we're doing or not. Our language and our conversations are incredibly active, creative and generative. not merely passive and descriptive. And they are directly connected to our relationships, our effectiveness, our moods and emotions and our physical bodies. Full of humor, real-life examples and practical how-to's, this book is essential reading for those seeking to achieve and maintain a balance of peacefulness and productivity - what we may call happiness - in their lives. #ChalmersBrothers
Z-PDF.com Lovers
7 months ago
#PDFDownload The Man's Guide to Women: Scientifically Proven Secrets from the Love Lab About What Women Really Want by John M. Gottman

Results from world-renowned relationship expert John Gottman’s famous Love Lab have proven an incredible truth: Men make or break relationships. Based on 40 years of research, The Man’s Guide to Women unlocks the mystery of how to attract, satisfy, and succeed with a woman for a lifetime. For the first time ever, there is a science-based answer to the age-old question: What do women really want in a man?

Dr. Gottman, author of the New York Times bestseller The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, and his wife and collaborator, clinical psychologist Julie Schwartz Gottman, PhD, have pored over the research along with bestselling coauthors Douglas Abrams and Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD. Together, they have written this definitive guide for men, providing answers on everything from how to approach a woman and build a connection with her to how to truly satisfy her in bed and know when the relationship is on the right track. The Man’s Guide to Women is a must-have playbook for how to play—and win—the game of love.
Bold Press
7 months ago
Golden Globes Aftermath: From Tears to Triumphs

The 2024 Golden Globes was a night to remember, a whirlwind of emotions, stunning fashion, and unexpected surprises. Brie Larson's tearful reunion with Jennifer Lopez, Robert De Niro's hilarious "oops" moment, and Dua Lipa's polarizing dress were just a few of the highlights that left everyone buzzing. But beyond the red carpet glitz, meaningful moments arose: Sinéad O'Connor's powerful tribute to the victims of sexual abuse, Taylor Swift's heartwarming friendship with Keleigh Teller, and the inspiring diversity among the winners. Let's delve deeper into some of the key takeaways from this unforgettable night. #GoldenGlobes
Bold Press
7 months ago
Space Tourism Boom: Adventures for the Wealthy or Stepping Stone to Global Collaboration?

The final frontier just got a little closer. With companies like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic offering trips to the edge of space, the once-unthinkable dream of space tourism is becoming a reality. While some scoff at the exorbitant price tag, others see this as a thrilling opportunity to experience the wonders of the cosmos firsthand. However, this emerging industry raises questions about accessibility, environmental impact, and the broader implications for international cooperation in space exploration.

Proponents of space tourism argue that it can democratize space access, inspiring future generations and fueling further technological advancements. The revenue generated could support further research and development in space technologies. Moreover, the breathtaking experience of space travel could foster a deeper appreciation for Earth and our place in the universe.

Critics, however, express concerns about the environmental impact of these rocket launches and the potential for exacerbating existing inequalities. Questions remain about the safety and feasibility of space tourism for the general public, with some raising ethical concerns about catering to the whims of the wealthy while neglecting pressing issues on Earth.

Beyond these immediate concerns, space tourism holds the potential to shape the future of international cooperation in space exploration. Collaboration between private companies and national space agencies could pave the way for joint ventures and larger-scale missions. Sharing expertise and resources could accelerate technological advancements and open up new possibilities for scientific research and exploration.

Whether space tourism represents a frivolous indulgence or a significant step towards a more inclusive future in space exploration remains to be seen. #SpaceTourism
Bold Press
7 months ago
World's Hottest Year On Record? 2024 Braces for Potential Climate Catastrophe

A chilling reality check has arrived: 2023 shattered previous records to become the hottest year ever recorded. This grim milestone serves as a stark reminder of the accelerating climate crisis and the dire consequences facing the planet. Scientists warn that 2024 could potentially surpass even 2023's scorching temperatures, further pushing the delicate balance of Earth's ecosystems towards a tipping point.

The impacts of global warming are already being felt worldwide. Extreme weather events like heatwaves, droughts, floods, and wildfires are becoming more frequent and intense. Sea levels rise, threatening coastal communities and low-lying islands. Glacier melt contributes to rising sea levels and disrupts vital freshwater supplies. The delicate balance of marine ecosystems is jeopardized, impacting food security and livelihoods for millions.

The scientific community calls for immediate and drastic action to avert climate catastrophe. Ambitious emissions reduction targets set by the Paris Agreement must be met and surpassed. Fossil fuel dependence must be phased out in favor of renewable energy sources. Investment in energy efficiency and sustainable technologies is crucial. Protecting and restoring natural ecosystems, like forests and mangroves, plays a vital role in mitigating climate change.
Bold Press
7 months ago
Macron Appoints France's Youngest Prime Minister: Fresh Start or Political Gambit?

French President Emmanuel Macron has shaken up the political landscape with his surprise appointment of Olivier Attal, a 34-year-old former digital minister, as the country's new Prime Minister. This unconventional choice has garnered mixed reactions, sparking both hope for a fresh perspective and concerns over political inexperience.

Attal, a skilled technocrat with a background in finance and consulting, represents a stark contrast to the traditional profile of French prime ministers. His youthful energy and digital expertise resonate with a younger generation increasingly alienated from established politics. This appointment is seen by some as a bold attempt to revitalize Macron's presidency after a turbulent midterm period.

However, critics point to Attal's lack of experience in navigating the complex world of French politics. They question his ability to manage a diverse coalition of lawmakers and address pressing issues like the ongoing cost-of-living crisis and social unrest. Furthermore, concerns linger about potential clashes between Attal's technocratic approach and the more ideological demands of Macron's party.

Despite the uncertainties, Attal's appointment undoubtedly creates a moment of renewed interest in French politics. The public yearns for a government that can effectively tackle challenges and offer a clear vision for the future. #French
Bold Press
7 months ago
Doctors Accuse #Israel of "War Crimes" as Hospital Declared Hamas Base (Human Rights) - Disturbing allegations emerge from Palestinian territory, further fueling tensions and demands for international investigations. #Gaza
Bold Press
7 months ago
Christmas Carnage in Prague: Gunman Opens Fire, Leaving 14 Dead (Developing) - Czech capital city reels from horrific shooting at tourist market. Motive and suspect remain unknown, investigation ongoing. #Prague
Z-PDF.com Lovers
7 months ago
#PDF_Download Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation by Ayelet Fishbach

In Get It Done , psychologist and behavioral scientist Ayelet Fishbach presents a new theoretical framework for self-motivated action, explaining how With fascinating research from the field of motivation science and compelling stories of people who learned to motivate themselves, Get It Done illuminates invaluable strategies for pulling yourself in whatever direction you want to go—so you can achieve your goals while staying healthy, clearheaded, and happy. #AyeletFishbach
Z-PDF.com Lovers
7 months ago
#PDF_Download Rapport: The Four Ways to Read People by Laurence Alison , Emily Alison

Get what you want from even the most difficult characters

All of us have to deal with difficult people. Whether we’re asking our neighbour to move a fence or our boss for a pay rise, we can struggle to avoid arguments and get what we want.

Laurence and Emily Alison are world leaders in forensic psychology, and they specialise in the most difficult interactions imaginable: criminal interrogations. They advise and train the police, security agencies, the FBI and the CIA on how to deal with extremely dangerous suspects when the stakes are high. #LaurenceAlison #EmilyAlison
Bold Press
7 months ago
One Year of Trump's Praise for Authoritarians: As Donald Trump gears up for another run for president, a new report details his one-year history of praising authoritarians around the world. The report, from The New York Times, found that Trump has made positive comments about leaders such as Vladimir Putin of Russia, Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, and Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil. #Trump #US
Bold Press
7 months ago
Hopes for Quick Passage of Ukraine Aid Bill Dim as Border Talks Drag On: Hopes for a quick passage of a new aid package for Ukraine are dimming as talks between congressional Democrats and Republicans over border security drag on. The $45 billion aid package is seen as critical for helping Ukraine continue its fight against Russia. #Russia #Ukraine
Bold Press
7 months ago
Georgia Election Workers Sue Giuliani Again: Two Georgia election workers who were targeted by false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election have filed a new lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani. The lawsuit alleges that Giuliani made defamatory statements about the workers in an attempt to overturn the election results. #Georgia
Bold Press
7 months ago
Trump Returns to Iowa as GOP Rivals Barnstorm State: Former President Donald Trump returned to Iowa on Monday, holding a rally in Council Bluffs as he seeks to rally support for his 2024 presidential bid. Trump's visit comes as a number of his Republican rivals are also making inroads in the state, seen as a crucial early test in the GOP primary process. #Trump #US
Bold Press
7 months ago
Holiday Shopping Blitz Shifts Online: Cyber Monday Sees Record E-Commerce Sales: Despite concerns about inflation and economic uncertainty, online shoppers broke records this Cyber Monday, pushing e-commerce sales to their highest levels ever. The shift towards online shopping underscores the changing landscape of the retail industry and the growing dominance of digital platforms. #CyberMonday
Bold Press
7 months ago
Climate Deal Reached at COP28: Nations Pledge Increased Emissions Reductions: After two weeks of intense negotiations, world leaders at the COP28 climate summit have finally reached an agreement. The deal calls for significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, aiming to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius. #COP28
Bold Press
7 months ago
AI Breakthrough Paves the Way for Personalized Education at Scale: Researchers have developed a new artificial intelligence platform capable of tailoring educational experiences to individual students' strengths and weaknesses. This breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize education by providing personalized learning paths for every student, regardless of location or background. #AI
Bold Press
7 months ago (E)
Ancient City Unearthed in the Amazon Offers Glimpse into Pre-Columbian Civilization: Archaeologists working in the heart of the Amazon have uncovered the remains of a sprawling city, believed to have been built by a previously unknown civilization dating back thousands of years. The discovery challenges long-held beliefs about the development of complex societies in the Americas. #Amazon #US
Bold Press
7 months ago
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first-ever CRISPR gene editing therapy, marking a significant breakthrough in medical science. This treatment, called "Zynteglo," can cure the rare blood disorder beta-thalassemia by altering patients' DNA. #US #FDA #DNA
Z-PDF.com Lovers
7 months ago
#PDF_Download Highest Bidder Series #1 -4 Highest Bidder Collection by Lauren Landish , Willow Winters

Four must-read sexy and contemporary romances in one collection.

AMAZON TOP 100 best selling series available in one collection for a LIMITED time!
Includes all four, full-length, stand-alone romances in the Highest Bidder series. Featuring demanding, rich, and powerful men all with happily ever afters and no cliffhangers. #LaurenLandish #WillowWinters
Z-PDF.com Lovers
7 months ago
#PDF_Download Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas

Vampires and vaqueros face off on the Texas-Mexico border in this supernatural western from the author of The Hacienda.

As the daughter of a rancher in 1840s Mexico, Nena knows a thing or two about monsters—her home has long been threatened by tensions with Anglo settlers from the north. But something more sinister lurks near the ranch at night, something that drains men of their blood and leaves them for dead.

Something that once attacked Nena nine years ago. #IsabelCañas

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