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5 months ago
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy #8 Sorrow and Starlight by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

All stars must fall.
Bloody, lost, broken. We live to fight another day. But with so much stolen from us, can the fates ever twist in our favour again?
My sister and I have been torn apart by shadows and despair, and now we each stand alone.
Our sorrow is spun like a web, trapping us tight, and I fear our enemies will soon come to feast upon our souls.
But if I have my way, the merciless sky will have dealt us its final fortune. It’s time for us to take back the power that’s been ripped from our grasp and turn the tide of this war.
All stars must fall, and all Phoenixes must rise.
Long live the Savage Queens.
*This will now be book 8 of 9 in the series*
#CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy #7 Heartless Sky by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

The winds of fate are shifting, and it finally seems like they’ve been twisted in our favour.
On the run and cast out from society, we’ve been forced to hide from the mad man who stole our throne. But as more secrets come to light and my sister and I work harder than ever before to reach our potential and claim our birth right, the end is finally drawing closer.
There is no turning from this path now. The curse chases on our heels as time rushes by and the blood drenched destiny of the man I love looms ever closer just like the monster who stole our throne.
We must prepare for the final battle, but three things are clear now.
The cards have already been dealt.
Blood will spill for a new future to rise.
And the stars themselves can’t help us.
#CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy #6 Fated Throne by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

Fate has torn us apart and sometimes I believe the stars have given up on us altogether.
Without my sister, the world seems darker than ever before and the shadows loom thicker, rising up to answer the call of the Shadow Princess and changing the face of Solaria for good.
Now Lionel Acrux has the strength to make a move for the throne, I’m not sure how much time we have left to stop him.
Our only hope is to find the Imperial Star before he does. We made the sacrifice the stars called for and we’re paying the price for that decision so it can’t be for nothing. But with the stars turning against us at every move, and the last light in the world seeming to fade, I’m afraid we’re almost out of time. Hope is a dangerous thing. It’s the key to us fighting on. But it could be what destroys us in the end.
One thing is for certain, I won’t stop until I have been reunited with my other half and together we will fight to take our crowns.
A war is coming.
The throne is calling for a new monarch. And someone must answer its call. #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy #5 Cursed Fates by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

After the devastating events at Zodiac Academy, we have to deal with this darker world we're faced with.
Lionel seeks to hurt us, the Nymphs seek to hurt the entire Fae race, and between all of it, we just have to try and survive each day as it comes.
I'm afraid of everything falling apart, but it looks like it already has. #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy #4 Shadow Princess by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

After the events of the Lunar Eclipse, Tory and Darcy must learn to deal with the darkness which shadows their lives.
With a secret binding them to Darius and Orion, they must find a way to all work together for the greater good. But some things are easier said than done... #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy #3 The Reckoning by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

The answer to your question will be revealed on the Lunar Eclipse. But when finding the truth, don't let the shadows take you.
The week of The Reckoning has begun. And senior students have been tasked with making the freshmen's lives pure hell as they prepare to take their fateful assessment.
With the Lunar Eclipse on the horizon, Tory and Darcy have more to worry about than just passing their exams. A dark plot is unfolding and the shadows are drawing closer... #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy #2 Ruthless Fae by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

They tried to break us.
They almost did.
But we're not going anywhere.
The Celestial Heirs think the stars are on their side. But they don't know what's coming.
Fighting them one on one isn't an option so we have to be stealthy. Remaining under the radar won't be easy, but if we pull it off, they'll never suspect our involvement when their lives start falling apart.
Besides, they've already taken us to the brink of hell, what more can they really do? #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago (E)
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy 8.5 Beyond The Veil by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

The stars called us.
The Veil closed at our backs.
And now death holds us in its clutches.
We were torn from life before our time, a Savage King, his queen, a betrayed son, a wronged brother, a scorned wife and so many more. We watch those we left behind as they struggle against the grip of the stars, the answers to so many of their questions within our grasp and yet out of their reach.
But what if we could find a way to answer their pleas? What if we could find a way to help them from this side of the divide? And what price would such a thing come at?
***This is a bridging book which takes place beyond The Veil (in the land of the dead) during the events of book 8 in the Zodiac Academy series. It should be read after book 8 to avoid spoilers for that book and holds the answer to what takes place for the characters who are held within the clutches of death by this point in the story, as well as vital clues to the conclusion of this epic series*** #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago (E)
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy 5.6 Seth on the Moon by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

A free online chapter about the best day of Seth's life.
#CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago (E)
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy 5.5 The Big A.S.S. Party by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

Once upon a moon, the wild wind whispered in my ear that the true queens were returning to Solaria and I made it my mission to open up their path to the throne so that they could slip right in like an oily oyster. Now, on this most special and wonderous of days, the very day of their birth – I will prove myself to be the most loyal and dependable of their followers. Though of course, Venus is in my chart and Lady Petunia has caught sight of the bothersome barracuda once more.Max Rigel is my most sinful of temptations, the shark in the dark who wishes to lure me to his sea cave and I don’t know if I’m Fae enough to resist him for long. But one thing is for sure, I will make certain the Vegas get the big A.S.S. party they deserve for their birthday or I’ll die trying. Succulent squids be damned!This is a 25k novella set in the world of Solaria during Book 5 of the Zodiac Academy series, Cursed Fates, featuring Geraldine and Max as they attend the party of the century and try to resist the lure of the moon as it pushes them together once more. It’s full of slippery salmons and more buttery bagels than you can shake a stick at and is best read after Cursed Fates. #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago (E)
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy 1.5 The Awakening as Told by the Boys by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

The Vega twins are alive.
Those five words circle in my mind like an oncoming storm. They change everything about the future we thought had been set in stone. They challenge everything we were raised to be and the stability of the entire kingdom.
They’re coming to our academy looking for the life that was stolen from them, but we can’t let them take it back.
So much hangs in the balance and we can’t risk the arrival of two naïve princesses destroying everything we worked so hard for.
I have trained in dark magic, overcome all challenges and stood in the shadow of Lionel Acrux for far too long already. I won’t let them come between me and his downfall.
Which means they have to go before they discover how powerful they truly are.
This is a retelling of the first book in the Zodiac Academy series from the point of view of Orion and the Heirs and should be read after you have finished the original story. It includes scenes from alternative points of view as well over 50k words of additional content and scenes which have never before been revealed. So prepare to step into the dark minds of the Zodiac boys and watch out for the heartbreak and carnage that will ensue. #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy #1 The Awakening by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

I’m a Gemini. Impulsive. Curious. Headstrong. A twin. Heir to a throne I know nothing about. And it turns out, I’m Fae. But of course there’s a catch - all I have to do to claim my birth right is prove that I’m the most powerful supernatural in the whole of Solaria. And sure, technically that’s true as I’m the daughter of the Savage King. But the bit they didn’t put in the brochure was that every single Fae in this Kingdom would claim my throne if they could. The school they’ve sent me to is both dangerous as sh*t and one helluva party. Vampires bite weaker students in the corridors, the Werewolf pack has orgies in the Wailing Wood at every full moon and don’t even get me started on the dark and twisted ways the Sirens use their powers on people’s emotions, or how my sinfully tempting Cardinal Magic teacher hosts detentions that leave people needing therapy. Classes are totally interesting if you manage to live through them. And that Gemini star sign I mentioned? It now determines my elemental magic and affects my destiny, so learning astrology is essential if I’m going to beat down my classmates – which is actively encouraged by the way. My biggest problem is the drool worthy Dragon shifter who has his eyes on my throne. He and his three psycho friends are determined to make my time here hell. All I’ve got to do is survive. #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti
Z-PDF.com Lovers
5 months ago (E)
#PDFDownload Zodiac Academy 0.5 Zodiac Academy: Origins of an Academy Bully by Caroline Peckham , Susanne Valenti

Dark magic is forbidden at Zodiac Academy. That’s why I hide it so well.
But now I’m supposed to mentor Darius the son of the most ruthless Dragon Shifter in Solaria. If he’s caught using blood magic, he’ll lose his claim to the throne.
The problem is? Our families are up to something, and we’re determined to find out what.
No matter what dark power we must turn to…
Welcome to Zodiac Academy, where your star sign defines your destiny. As the Fae of the future, you will soon learn the merciless way to claim your power. Life among the Vampires, Shifters and Sirens is no easy ride, but if you can make it through your exams, you might just be able to harness your inner strength and earn your place among the elite. #CarolinePeckham #SusanneValenti

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